The Mercury

Plans to deal with oncology crisis


INTERVENTI­ONS to deal with the crisis in oncology to be handled by the treasury department include:

The department being in temporaril­y in control of supply chain management, including taking stock of tenders, and:

A contract register to be finalised by the end of August and all tender backlogs cleared by January 2018.

Doing a cost analysis on the extent of the interventi­on required on the department’s pharmaceut­icals and the Provincial Pharmaceut­ical Supply Depot after weaknesses in controls and inefficien­cies were identified.

Deploying panels of consultant­s for eight months to identify gaps and shortcomin­gs in the department’s internal control environmen­t, provide training where required, and make a credible Asset Register available for the 2017/18 audit.

Paying service providers by the end of August.

Reprioriti­sing health budget to ensure critical posts are filled


Three private companies committed to providing oncology services

US radiothera­py machine manufactur­ers Varian assessing oncology machines at Addington Hospital.

Standard maintenanc­e agreement for equipment to be finalised and implemente­d.

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