The Rep

He’s hip and he’s happening


HE’s hip and he’s happening - Lukhanji FM Current Affairs talk show presenter Kapa KaMajola (pictured above) airs every Tuesday and Wednesday from 7pm until 9pm.

Overseeing a shot which covers a wide variety of topics from political to economic, the aim is to encourage communitie­s to engage members of the public and to assist residents by giving them a platform on which to voice their concerns.

The show also serves as a community mouthpiece and aims to aid education, focusing on topical discussion­s on a range of content affecting locals, including local governance.

The Rep will, for the foreseaabl­e future, be highlighti­ng different shows and DJs working for Lukhanji FM. The newspaper will also be featuring on the airwaves of Lukhanji FM in the near future, promoting news and upcoming events. Keep an ear - and an eye - out and support local.

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