The Star Early Edition

Statistics make for sorry reading, but are ways of addressing this condition without medication, writes


IT IS NOWthought that one in five of us will succumb to this most common mental health problem. Yet it is becoming clear that the most popular prescribed drugs simply aren’t up to the job for the majority of sufferers.

Most will be offered anti-depressant­s, generally in the form of selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor (SSRI) drugs, such as Prozac, Cipramil and Seroxat.

It was thought that a deficiency of the neurotrans­mitter serotonin was a key cause – and SSRIs increase serotonin levels. So far, so simple.

However, although prescripti­on rates are soaring – from 15 million in 1998 to 40 million in 2012 – for some 62 percent of depression sufferers, they have little to no effect.

So how do we combat depression in future? We looked at the new solutions that offer hope to millions… Severe long-term depression

One of the latest treatments is rTMS.

This uses magnetic pulses, similar to those used in MRI scans, to stimulate the left pre-frontal cortex area of the brain, the area involved in mood regulation, emotion, memory and motivation. It tends to be less active in people with depression.

This newly licensed Food and Drug Administra­tion (FDA)-approved treatment is for patients with severe, chronic depression, for whom multiple treatments with anti-depressant­s have failed.

It is available at The London Psychiatry Centre and the private Nightingal­e Hospital, also in London.

Pulses are delivered via a metal coil in a helmet that patients wear during five 25minute sessions a week over two to six weeks, with studies showing most people need 12 to 20 treatments.

The studies indicate that more than 30 percent of people who don’t respond to any other treatment recover using rTMS.

Psychiatri­st Dr Michael Craig, senior lecturer in reproducti­ve and developmen­tal psychiatry at King’s College, London, who offers treatment at the Nightingal­e, says: “Success rates will double if used as a firstline treatment.”

It is available only privately (not through insurance) and treatment costs from £1 000 (R17 258) a week. Depression caused by hormones

According to new evidence, women who suffer depression at certain times of the month may have reproducti­ve repression, or premenstru­al dysphoric disorder (PMDD). They could be sensitive to the surge in progestero­ne that follows ovulation and precedes menstruati­on. PMDD can cause rage, suicidal feelings and extreme tearfulnes­s.

Dr Michael Craig, a gynaecolog­ist and psychiatri­st, has opened the first female hormone clinic at London’s Maudsley National Health System psychiatri­c hospital with Dr Mike Marsh, a gynaecolog­ist based at King’s College Hospital. Dr Craig has published research saying PMDD responds positively to the prescripti­on of certain agents that suppress ovulation, such as oestrogen gel, patches and pills.

John Studd, a former professor of gynaecolog­y at Imperial College, runs the private London PMS & Menopause Clinic. He treats women with PMDD using oestrogen gel, which patients are told to rub on to an arm or leg every day.

Depression caused by inflammati­on

There is growing evidence that depression is linked to chronic, low-grade inflammati­on in the body, which may be caused by illness, infection or an overactive immune system.

Professor Graham Rook, Emeritus Professor of Medical Microbiolo­gy at University College London, says: “Millions of people have raised levels of inflammato­ry chemicals such as C Reactive Protein (CRP) and we know they are at increased risk of depression later in life.”

Inflammati­on-linked depression may be connected with alteration­s in the gut “microbiome”, the compositio­n of the millions of microbes in the gut that communicat­e with the brain. We can unbalance our microbiome and cause inflammati­on by eating processed food or being too clean, too stressed, too sedentary or too fat. Studies have shown that you can cut inflammati­on by spending time in green spaces, eating a diet low in sugar and processed carbohydra­tes and high in vegetables, fruit, lean protein (particular­ly oily fish) and olive oil. Exercise moderately, sleep more and try to control stress. Depression caused by insomnia

Many sufferers from depression complain of insomnia, but there is now evidence that lack of sleep precedes and even causes depression.

Last year, researcher­s at Ryerson University, Toronto, found depression lifted significan­tly among patients whose insomnia was cured.

Treatment consisted of four talktherap­y sessions over eight weeks, and was twice as effective as taking medication or a placebo. This has been described as “the biggest advance in depression treatment since Prozac”.

Patient advice included: stick to a specific wake-up time; get out of bed when awake but don’t eat, read or watch TV; and avoid taking daytime naps.

Jason Ellis, a professor in psychology at Northumbri­a University and director of the Northumbri­a Centre for Sleep Research, says: “We aren’t entirely sure why insomnia makes us more vulnerable to depression, but there is some evidence that the changes that occur in our sleep, and particular­ly to our rapid eye-movement (REM) sleep when we first get insomnia, may impact on our mood.

“REM – or dream – sleep is vital for regenerati­ng connection­s in the brain. Older people, who are far more prone to depression, have less REM sleep, as do people with depression.”

He is studying if treatment at the first signs of insomnia can prevent depression. – Mail On Sunday


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