The Star Late Edition




1 Boxing (8)

6 Bear down heavily upon (5)

10 Native Americans (7) 11 Tube from the bladder (7) 12 Concur (5)

13 Repudiated (9)

14 Wise saying (7) 16 Isolated, narrow-minded (7)

17 Rock formed by volcanic action (7)

19 Unsettle, trouble (7) 21 Period of three months (9)

23 Shinbone (5)

24 Green gemstone (7) 25 Set apart, cut off (7) 26 Unifying idea or motif (5) 27 The Christmas season (8)


2 Endure, sustain (7)

3 Silly, senseless (5) 4 Engraves (9)

5 Grieve (5)

6 Harbinger (9)

7 Morally correct (7) 8 Leader of a cause (8,6) 9 Failure to meet expectatio­ns (14)

15 Absolve from blame (9) 16 Fair, unbiased (9) 18 Artlessnes­s, ingenuousn­ess (7)

20 Berate (7)

22 The present time (5) 23 Freshwater game fish (5)

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