Weekend Argus (Saturday Edition)

Lessons learned from #FutureFWD


cutting back. “In comparison, my treats seem rather extravagan­t. Last year I bought myself an old motorbike, and this year a new camera,” Jappie says.

Summing up the lessons he has learned, he says he has two key takehome messages: “Start exercising – good health is the best investment! And I’ve just started actually putting a fixed amount aside to contribute towards my retirement, in an account that will remain untouched.”

Bailey Schneider admits #FutureFWD forced her to think about retirement for the first time. “I’m definitely not being an ostrich anymore and sticking my head in the sand. I have set up a proper savings account that earns better interest. I am looking into retirement annuities and I’d really love to invest in property. I feel proud of myself for being adult about my finances – it’s a great sense of achievemen­t and accomplish­ment. I’ve also upped my exercise regime. I’m looking at exercise in a whole new light now. I want to be fit and healthy forever ... not just when I’m young.

“I’m really excited for retirement,” she says, adding that she will “spend time with my husband, future children and even grandchild­ren, as well as find time to travel or take up hobbies.”

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