Weekend Argus (Saturday Edition)

Neil Hayward


Contract: 3NT by South. Opening Lead: J. East plays Q at trick one. Recommende­d Line: The key point is that each of the finesses in the major suits might lose. If so, you make just eight tricks. However, if you can get West to lead a major suit, success is guaranteed.

The snag is, of course, that he will resist the idea of leading away from the major suit kings, if held.

That means you have to take away all alternativ­es. This is your plan: Win the first diamond, and cash another. If East follows to the second diamond, you can surmise that the play of the Q at trick one was an unblocking manoeuvre, based on a doubleton holding on your right.

You now cash four rounds of clubs, and exit in diamonds. Assuming West started with five diamonds, you must find two discards. One heart and one spade will go away from each hand. Symmetry is always so neat. West also has symmetry on his side. He is left with these cards: K4 and

K8. The only good news for him is that, after the hand, he will be able to console himself with the thought: He couldn’t go wrong. Or right.

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