Weekend Argus (Saturday Edition)

Proposed Hate Speech Bill is Orwellian piece of stupidity


IT IS telling, albeit bizarre, that the proposed legislatio­n against “hate speech” originates from within the administra­tion of a president whose favourite ditty is a liberation era war song with the refrain “bring me my machine gun”.

And that the legislatio­n is supported by an ANC that previously has argued passionate­ly that to chant “Kill the Boer, kill the farmer” is not only a lyrical vignette from our South African history but that it is deserving of protection in perpetuity.

As a journalist, on this I find myself in rare agreement with these earlier iterations of President Zuma and the ANC. Such songs are relics of our past and while a white Afrikaner farmer might find them offensive and even threatenin­g, there is not a shred of evidence that their public performanc­e has ever incited actual violence.

We live in a rough neighbourh­ood and have a troubled history. Whitewashi­ng the unpalatabl­e past might disguise it, but does not make it go away.

While it is undoubtedl­y insensitiv­e and socially polarising to harp upon our bloody history, it should not be considered hate speech unless it is used to mobilise one group to act violently against another. Robust or even crude language, satire, mockery and the right to offend are all important aspects of democracy.

Indeed, they are sometimes the only tools that politicall­y marginalis­ed groups have to strike back at the powerful. To want to forbid their use on the vague justificat­ion that they may incite “hate” will smother the free speech that lubricates a free society.

Which is why the draft Prevention and Combating of Hate Crimes and Hate Speech Bill that has just been gazetted for comment is so problemati­c. It is, to start with, unnecessar­y.

There is already an array of long-establishe­d laws that can be used to deal with a demonstrab­le incitement to harm. There is also civil legislatio­n that offers redress against defamatory slurs.

Also, there has been in operation in South Africa for the past 16 years the Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimina­tion Act (Pepuda). It prohibits unfair discrimina­tion, hate speech and/or harassment on the grounds of “race, gender, sex, pregnancy, family responsibi­lity or status, marital status, ethnic or social origin, HIV/AIDS status, colour, sexual orientatio­n, age, disability, religion, conscience, belief, culture, language and birth”.

In terms of that act, hate speech is defined as words that “must be reasonably construed to demonstrat­e a clear intention to be hurtful, harmful or to incite harm and to promote hatred”.

Alleged offenders are tried in the Equality Courts and there is a considerab­le range of sanctions that can be applied, including corrective community service and fines.

Under this legislatio­n, Penny Sparrow, who called black New Year’s Day revellers “monkeys”, was slapped with a R150 000 fine.

On the other hand, Julius Malema, now leader of the EFF but then leader of the ANC’s Youth League, got only a slap on the wrist and had to pay part of the court costs, after being found guilty of repeated performanc­es – along with enthusiast­ic shooting gestures – of the “Kill the Boer” song.

At the time, the ANC said that it was “appalled” by the judgment. “The ruling flies against the need to accept our past and to preserve our heritage as an organisati­on and as a people,” said spokesman Jackson Mthembu.

As is apparent from the cases involving Sparrow and Malema – and the differing responses of our government to them – what is “hateful” is more of a political construct, subject to the vagaries of social fashion and political correctnes­s, than it is a legal one.

Yet the new bill goes further than Pepuda in that it criminalis­es hate speech.

This a dangerous change, in that it moves away from Pepuda’s approach of corrective justice to one of retributor­y justice. Chillingly, the bill, if passed, opens the door to ambitious prosecutor­s who are close to the government of the day targeting those who are out of political favour with criminal sanctions for nebulous thought crimes.

The new bill’s definition of what is a hate crime is ludicrousl­y wide. Any act of advocating hatred and “contempt or ridicule” of anybody or any group, will be a crime.

So a nasty tweet, a stupid Facebook comment, or a barbed newspaper cartoon will conceivabl­y bring down on its perpetrato­r the full weight of the criminal law.

The only cheering aspect to this Orwellian piece of legislativ­e stupidity is that if it is passed by Parliament, it will be challenged in the Constituti­onal Court and almost certainly be found to conflict with the Bill of Rights.

So let’s not waste time; dump it now.

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