Your Pregnancy



Accept the fact that you need extra rest and pace your daily activities. Add an afternoon nap to your schedule; catnaps of 15 to 20 minutes can be rejuvenati­ng. Avoid taking on extra responsibi­lities during this time in your life. Invest in a rocking chair and enjoy the comforting motion of moving forward and backward. Your baby will also benefit. Keep a good supply of nutritious snacks on hand. Fruits and juices, crudités, cheese, milk and yoghurt, peanuts and raisins, cold chicken, and high fibre muffins. Savour this wonderful experience as your body’s wisdom leads you through the miracle of creation. Have a cup of Rooibos or chamomile tea before bedtime. A few drops of lavender oil on a tissue near your pillow will also calm and soothe your nerves.

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