Your Pregnancy

The ultimate toasted cheese


½ cup finely chopped onion, leek and spring onion 1 clove garlic, crushed 1 green apple, grated 1 cup grated strong cheddar cheese, plus a little extra to make crust 4 tablespoon­s cream cheese 2 tablespoon­s mayonnaise 4 slices of bread (we used rye, but you can use sourdough, white or brown bread) salt, pepper to taste

Method 1 Stir together the onion mixture, garlic, grated apple, cheddar cheese and cream cheese in a mixing bowl. 2 Put a non-stick pan over mediumhigh heat while you assemble your sandwiches. 3 Divide the cheese mixture between two slices of bread, top with the remaining two slices of bread. Spread a thin layer of mayonnaise on outside of the sandwiches, then press the extra cheese on. This will give your sandwiches a wonderfull­y crisp cheesy crust. 4 Fry in the heated pan for about 4 minutes a side, until the cheese inside is melted.

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