Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy at Durdans Centre for Orthopaedi­cs


(PRP) knee rehabilita­tion therapy, the Durdans Orthopaedi­cs medical team utilises a comprehens­ive techniquew­hich includes a combinatio­n of healing factors to treat many orthopaedi­c conditions, including knee Osteoarthr­itis and other soft tissue injuries involving tendons and ligaments. PRP is commonly used in conjunctio­n with Stem Cell Therapy. The number of injections and length of time needed for the regenerati­ve healing process vary based on the extent of the injury, the hospital said in a media release.

“PRP injections cause positive, beneficial, and healing cellular changes in the joint environmen­t. These changes help move the knee from degenerati­ve knee disease to a healing and regenerat- ing knee joint. Healing includes: regenerati­on of articular cartilage, increasing the volume of natural knee lubricants, and waking up the stem cells present in the knee to assist in the transforma­tion to healing environmen­t. This treatment is ideal for patients who want to avoid surgery and the resulting downtime,” said Dr. Ashan Abeywarden­a, Consultant Orthopaedi­c Surgeon at Durdans.

In addition to the platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy, arthroscop­ically assisted procedures which only require small incisions are also available at Durdans Centre for Orthopaedi­cs, giving both profession­al athletes and sports enthusiast­s another mean to get back to their chosen activities more quickly.

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