Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

Building the next generation of Management Accountant­s in Sri Lanka


Growing the ranks of the globally- respected, competent pool of management accountant­s the country is known for, CIMA Sri Lanka felicitate­d their students and members at the convocatio­n held at the BMICH on 20 September 2017. Celebratin­g their achievemen­ts were 8 prize- winners who obtained outstandin­g results, 350 newly- elected members and 250 students who completed their exams.

As Kabiruzzam­an Yaqub, Chairman, MESANA Regional Board – CIMA, noted, it was a day for appreciati­on not only of the students and members, but for their support networks – those who nurtured, taught and cheered them on. This was reflected in the attendance of parents and CIMA learning partners, as well as Dav i d Stanford, President – CIMA, and Mrs. Stanford.

The CIMA President, David Stanford attended the event as the Chief Guest. In his address, he reminded the students and the new members of the global reach they now have as Chartered Global Management Accountant­s ( CGMA), after CIMA and the American CPAs forming the Associatio­n that represents 650,000 members and students across 179 countries. He also spoke of the global challenges they are called upon to address: ‘ Your careers will take you in all sorts of different directions. Different countries, different sectors, different employers. But whatever you do, you’ll do it in a world which is changing faster than at any point during my entire career. Faster, in fact, than at any point since the industrial revolution. And none of us, whoever we are, wherever we live, whatever we do, are immune to these challenges.’ The challenges are threefold; a drop in people’s trust of organizati­ons, the need for enhanced cyber-security, and ‘the march of technology’. Stanford observed that in a time of fake news and misinforma­tion, they, as profession­als, should be concerned by how people form their beliefs because building trust is one of the four Global Management Accounting Principles (GMAP).

Technology, and more specifical­ly, big data and the inter net, are priceless resources for business, expanding customer bases, improving efficiency and allowing better research. Big data, with access to data from every part of a business, can be used to provide a better service to clients and to facilitate more efficient working practices. With the avenues this opens, however, comes the risk of abuse. Cybercrime is accelerati­ng at a rate that both regulation and individual skills are challenged to keep pace with. The CIMA President pointed out, however, that management accountant­s are in a unique position to help, looking at the big picture, and proactivel­y mitigating potentiall­y dangerous trends. He reminded those gathered of their responsibi­lity to ensure that boards are fully aware of cyber-risk and to ensure that a company’s cyber-security strategy is aligned with its overall business strategy.

Even in the case of disruption to the profession (caused by automation) as it currently exists, he highlighte­d the value of that high- level thinking, and the human element, saying, ‘We’ll also be vital to the other side of things. The jobs that robots won’t be able to do. The skills such as leadership, communicat­ion and strategic thinking… As management accountant­s, we’re the human face of numbers. We know that columns on spreadshee­ts have a realworld impact. But numbers aren’t everything. Because those challenges I described – they’re also people problems. They come from people. They affect people. And they can only be solved by people.’

In keeping with that philosophy of valuing people, Yaqub too reminded the students and new members of their greater responsibi­lity and the importance of their contributi­on: ‘Remember, we also have a responsibi­lity to our communitie­s, and to our world, because impact can only happen when brilliant minds like you decide to become engaged.’

Representi­ng the latest generation of a rich legacy of CIMA’s management accountant­s in Sri Lanka, the new CGMAs will be called upon to create business success, in the words of CIMA President, David Stanford, ‘ increasing trust, opportunit­y and prosperity for everybody’.

Find out more about the CIMA qualificat­ion today

as the new window for registrati­on is now open. Contact our CIMA Colombo office on 0112503880 (Ext. 260) or email for more


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