Bangkok Post

Missing Japan girl found dead in river


NAGANO: A girl’s body found in a river yesterday in Nagano prefecture in central Japan was identified as that of seven-year-old Rina Machida, who went missing on Saturday afternoon, police said. Firefighte­rs found the body yesterday morning, and based on the clothes the girl was wearing, local police believed it to be Rina. Police said she may have accidental­ly fallen into the river because she did not sustain any major injury, and they have received no reports of suspicious activity. Rina left her grandparen­ts’ home in Otari village at around 11.40am on Saturday, saying she would go after her mother who had left for a public hall several minutes before to prepare for a local summer festival. The public hall is about 50m away from the house and she was last seen in front of a shrine near the hall around noon on Saturday by one of the local residents.

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