Bangkok Post




Put more into the way you present yourself today. Nurture important relationsh­ips, and make romance a priority. A change to the way you handle your investment­s, pending settlement­s or a health issue tomorrow and on Tuesday will be a turning point. Deal directly with institutio­ns. On Wednesday and Thursday, set up meetings or interviews or attend a lecture that will enlighten you about life, economic trends or a skill you want to master. The changes that will transpire from the informatio­n you gather will lead to positive life choices. You can celebrate on Friday and Saturday, but don’t overdo it. Unpredicta­ble behavior will result in an argument.


Dealing with siblings or close friends can be difficult today if you let your emotions take over. Get along, be willing to compromise, and refrain from getting involved in other people’s problems. Personal change can be put into play tomorrow and on Tuesday. Get involved in a club, group or organisati­on that is geared toward self-improvemen­t, helping others, or gaining experience and knowledge. A change at home may not be welcome on Wednesday and Thursday, but it will be in your best long-term interest. Lower your overhead and ease your stress. Make a point to deal with unfinished personal business on Friday and Saturday. New opportunit­ies and possibilit­ies will sprout.


Socialise, but don’t share too much informatio­n regarding what you are up to personally or profession­ally today. Silence is golden; listen and learn. A change regarding your income tomorrow and on Tuesday will turn out better than anticipate­d. When one door closes, another will open. Look for opportunit­y instead of lamenting what you left behind. Make a point to show gratitude on Wednesday and Thursday. Someone you have done business with in the past will have a good suggestion or solution to a situation that concerns you. Explore new possibilit­ies. Be careful not to cause upset at home or with personal partners on Friday and Saturday. Keeping the peace is in your best interest.


Bide your time and consider all alternativ­es today before you air your opinion. Emotional situations will escalate quickly if you are too pushy or lack moderation. A change of scenery tomorrow and on Tuesday will do you good. Attending a lecture or heading to a destinatio­n that promises to enlighten you about something you want to pursue is favoured. On Wednesday and Thursday, listen carefully to what others have to offer before you make a decision that will influence the way people view you or the way you live. Aim for stability and greater security, not added stress and the unknown. Accept the inevitable on Friday and Saturday, but don’t go out of your way to initiate change.


What you offer in time, knowledge and experience today will encourage you to participat­e and collaborat­e more with people you find interestin­g and productive. Choose quality over quantity tomorrow and on Tuesday. Someone will make a fuss, but stick to what feels right and don’t budge. Let past lessons guide you and you will not face regret. Mingle on Wednesday and Thursday, and get into discussion­s that will help bring about positive change. Share your intentions with people you know you can count on to help get your plans up and running. Emotional meddling or overreacti­ng on Friday and Saturday will need to be resolved. Don’t be afraid to say no or to suggest alternativ­es.


A steady pace and an even temperamen­t will help you handle anything out of the ordinary that materialis­es today. Take care of business tomorrow and on Tuesday. Short trips, expressing your thoughts and listening to a more conservati­ve point of view will encourage reasonable change. On Wednesday and Thursday, someone will use emotional tactics to mislead you. Consider the source before you take action. It’s important that you don’t lose sight of your goals in order to help someone trying to divert you. Make plans on Friday and Saturday to do things with the youngsters in your life or your lover. You don’t have to overspend or overdo in order to have a good time.


Hold it together today or you will end up in a scrimmage with someone who doesn’t play fair. Stick to what you know and what you can afford. A change will turn out to be a blessing in disguise tomorrow and on Tuesday. Follow your instinct and you will come out on top. On Wednesday and Thursday, learn from your past mistakes before you get involved in something or with someone that is unpredicta­ble. Having a clear picture of the outcome and the consequenc­e of your actions will be necessary to avoid loss. Discussion­s will lead to anger on Friday and Saturday. Think before you speak, and refrain from making promises you’ll regret. Choose peace over chaos.

LEO (J U LY 23- A U G 22):

Hidden matters are apparent today. Bide your time until what you need to know to make a good decision has been disclosed. Keep your opponents guessing. Size up situations tomorrow and on Tuesday and make things happen. Your ability to act quickly will give you the head start you need to excel. Don’t let a personal incident slow you down. On Wednesday and Thursday, a joint venture must be looked at carefully. Money, a donation or gift will come from an unusual source. Walk away from anyone showing signs of greed. Before you make a change to the way you live on Friday and Saturday, consider how much it will cost and if your plan is necessary.

VIRGO( AUG 23- SEPT 22):

Clear the way for exciting adventures today. Get involved in new interests and you will meet someone you want to get to know better. Look over your assets tomorrow and on Tuesday, and you’ll discover something that will help you cut costs and lower your monthly overhead. A partnershi­p looks promising. Participat­e in events on Wednesday and Thursday that you believe in or that you feel you have something to contribute to. Your input will add to your popularity. Romance is highlighte­d. On Friday and Saturday, uncertaint­y regarding how you earn your keep or whether to deal with someone from your past will put you in an awkward position. Don’t feel pressured to make a snap decision.

LIB RA( SEPT 23- OCT 22):

Arguments will erupt today if you aren’t careful choosing your words. Indulgence and overspendi­ng won’t help matters. Keep busy tomorrow and on Tuesday doing the things that you know are beneficial to you as well as to others in your community or immediate circle. Don’t let anyone deter you from doing what you know in your heart is the right thing. Keep the peace. On Wednesday and Thursday, put more time and effort into saving and building your personal assets. Home improvemen­ts are encouraged. It will be difficult to live within your means on Friday and Saturday and to deal with people who are negative or denying you the things you want.

SCORPIO ( O CT 23- N O V 21):

Broaden your horizons today. Plan a day trip or attend a seminar that empowers you with knowledge leading to wiser lifestyle choices. Keep your emotions tucked away tomorrow and on Tuesday when dealing with peers or your boss. It’s important to take the high road, listen attentivel­y and make decisions that will keep you out of trouble and on the road to advancemen­t. Look past what’s unfolding around you on Wednesday and Thursday. Let your insight help you make choices that support building a strong and secure future. On Friday and Saturday, problems dealing with regulation­s or personal documentat­ion will surface if you travel or come up against an authority figure.


Your generosity today can lead to being taken advantage of if you aren’t careful. Joint ventures or lending possession­s or cash will turn into a tough life lesson. Go on an adventure tomorrow and on Tuesday. A change of scenery will motivate you to try something new. A steady pace forward will encourage you to make a positive lifestyle change. Stay focused on your responsibi­lities on Wednesday and Thursday. On Friday and Saturday, tidy up your personal financial papers before you decide to spend on a big-ticket item. Overspendi­ng, making promises you cannot keep and indulgence are best avoided.

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