Bangkok Post

Asterix for president!


Nowadays, many Western countries face the dilemma of supporting secession demands by separatist groups under the so-called democratic process or condemning it as an act of treason.

A few decades ago, separatist­s were branded as terrorists as they had to pick up weapons to fight. But these days separatist­s can call for a referendum under the umbrella of democracy and the banner of human rights to achieve their goal.

A Western friend told me that he would have supported the Spanish government had they not tried to break up the Catalonia referendum violently. I stopped short of asking him how the Spanish police should have acted instead to block people from voting?

If Catalonia is successful in gaining independen­ce, it will trigger a lists of other separatist movements that are waiting on the sidelines. It could be Venice and Lombardy in Italy, or Flanders and Wallonia in Belgium. The UK, the foremost advocate of democracy and human rights, may have to eat her own fruit. The Union Jack in front of Westminste­r may one day be replaced by the cross of St George. However, the British may not find the fruit bitter, as everything is bright and beautiful under democracy.

If fantasy turns to reality, the Gauls may form a nation in Western Europe with Asterix as president. YINGWAI SUCHAOVANI­CH

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