TR Monitor

No angst over Turkey’s air defense deal with Russia, says NATO chief


NATO ally Turkey s not seek ng to antagon ze the US-led all ance by purchas ng Russ an S-400 surface-to-a r m ss les and s n talks w th France and Italy to buy s m lar weapons, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenber­g has sa d. Ankara’s dec s on to buy the Russ an system has been seen n some Western cap tals as a snub to the all ance, g ven the tens ons w th Moscow over Ukra ne and Syr a, wh le the deal ra sed concern because the weapons cannot be ntegrated nto NATO defense. But Stoltenber­g sa d t was a sovere gn dec s on and that he had talked t through w th Turk sh Pres dent Recep Tayy p Erdogan.

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