TR Monitor

What may come as a surprise in the local elections





It was a stormy day in December 2017. A half-century-old poplar tree fell down due to heavy wind at Kugulu Park. The Çankaya Municipali­ty immediatel­y commenced pruning work across the park in line with recommenda­tions by leading agricultur­al engineers. When the job was done, the park was “destitute,” so to speak. A massive public debate then stirred with many headlines issued saying, “the mayor from the main opposition party has massacred the trees.” I passed through the park the other day when I was on my way to meet CHP Istanbul deputy Gursel Tekin. In the past year, the trunks of the old poplar trees seem to have flourished. The park seems to have returned to the way it used to be. I told Tekin the details I have described above and asked: “Where will this memory lead?” Tekin associated it with the CHP. “The party needs pruning. Just like the body of that tree, the party needs to flourish again from its main principles,” he said. I quickly changed the subject and asked him whether he would run for mayor in Istanbul in the upcoming elections. Without hesitation he said: “I am a candidate.” Then he talked about his strategy to win over Istanbul. Tekin seems to be well-read on Istanbul’s demographi­c spectrum and voting behavior.

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