


Aries Mar 20 – Apr 18 Achieving a balance between tedious but important obligation­s and recent more exciting ideas is challengin­g. But as these can’t be ignored, you’ll have to find a way. Good planning is a must.

TaurusApr 19 – May 19 Accept the fact that no matter what you decide or do, somebody will be upset and you’ve overcome the week’s biggest obstacle. Then you’ll be able to focus on some exciting ideas or offers. However, it will trigger a much-needed shake-up.

Gemini May 20 – Jun 20 It’s become clear changes aren’t just timely, they are inevitable too. Yet the future remains perplexing­ly unclear. While this is challengin­g, it allows you to organise arrangemen­ts that can be altered.

Cancer Jun 21 – Jul 21 You feel that between now and Thursday’s New Moon, you’ll be considerin­g what must go. But not everybody has those instincts. Instead of explaining, make decisions on your own. Soon, you’ll view the future with more promise.

Leo July 22 – Aug 21 Don’t make the mistake of assuming that just because you’ve had your way in certain situations recently, it’s going to be the same this week. What once seemed ideal may not be, while sudden if unsettling developmen­ts could prove best.

Virgo Aug 22 – Sep 21 The mood prior to Thursday’s all-important Virgo New Moon will be reflective. This prepares you both to let go of elements and the past and to take advantage of the fresh cycle and unexpected opportunit­ies this triggers. Libra Sep 22 – Oct 22 With constant changes triggering chaos, you’re better off living one day at a time. That not only means you won’t worry about events or others, it means you’ll have time to explore exciting ideas and offers.

Scorpio Oct 23 – Nov 21 Sunday’s superb alliance between the Sun and your ruler Pluto encourages you to agree to offers that are sudden or overwhelmi­ng. Don’t spend too much time analysing this as you might end up regretting what you didn’t do.

Sagittariu­s Nov 22 – Dec 20 You must not only disentangl­e yourself from some existing arrangemen­ts, you must review your priorities too. The timing’s perfect, as Thursday’s New Moon is about a fresh perspectiv­e.

Capricorn Dec 21 – Jan 18 Disruptive as the process of making changes is, the more you probe, the clearer it is they’re necessary. This is also disillusio­ning, although in a positive sense, in that you’re finally prepared to relinquish certain once-exciting arrangemen­ts.

Aquarius Jan 19 – Feb 17 Some plans were organised weeks ago but a few go back months. In every case, however, things have so changed that you must either rethink these or say farewell to them. The new pursuits promise more reward with less effort.

Pisces Feb 18 – Mar 19 You’ve been wondering how you’d juggle existing commitment­s with new developmen­ts. You’ve just admitted the answer. And it’s that certain arrangemen­ts must go. Deep down you’ve known this, but your loyalty stopped it happening.

 ??  ?? Shelley von Strunckel, one of the world’s top astrologer­s, writes a weekly forecast for Friday.
Shelley von Strunckel, one of the world’s top astrologer­s, writes a weekly forecast for Friday.

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