



20 – APR 19

With your ruler Mars accenting friends, colleagues and even neighbours, most activities will require others’ participat­ion, which means you can’t set the pace. If developmen­ts are too slow, ignore them and focus on other priorities.


APR 20 – MAY 20

Life’s about discovery right now. This means venturing into unfamiliar territory, if not making changes. If you feel like complainin­g, take note of the unsettling nature of events reshaping the lives of others and you’ll realise how lucky you are.


MAY 21 – JUN 20

With much of the world around you in transition, others may be unable to make plans. Knowing that, keep arrangemen­ts flexible, enough so you can rethink them when those who’ll also be involved are ready to commit.


21 – JUL 21

If you try to organise too far ahead, your efforts will be complicate­d by the changes reshaping others’ plans. Aim to achieve a balance between being supportive of others and taking advantage of the thrilling offers reshaping your own life.


JUL 22 – AUG 22

For ages you’ve been nurturing plans that would improve elements of your life. However, sudden events could derail them. If so, resist the temptation to battle. Those plans will need to be rethought in early 2015. Until then, do the minimum.


23 – SEP 22

Focus on practical matters right now. What you learn could shape your reaction to developmen­ts during the week’s second half. Keep plans flexible as changes in circumstan­ces will require a rethink soon.


23 – OCT 22

You tend to commit after much thought and you rarely alter your plans. However, right now dramatic events around you could lead to several changes. So, ensure your plans are flexible enough to ride out further twists and turns.


23 – NOV 21

Monday’s clash between Uranus and your ruler Pluto indicates that you’ll be faced with unreasonab­le issues. Although you’ve every right to be upset, it won’t achieve much. For now, go with the flow, observe, learn and, in time, remake plans.


NOV 22 – DEC 20

Thanks to the powerful planetary activity involving Jupiter and Saturn, each day will bring something new for you but could be a cause of worry to others. Keep them updated on your plans so as to avoid any drama.


21 – JAN 19

Events are ushering in changes in elements of your life. While these are disruptive, your instincts say they’re also timely. Though what’s next is unclear, consider every option. This gives you time to review your priorities and think things through.


20 – FEB 17

Usually you like to discuss new ideas, but right now events are forcing you into making unwelcome changes. Also, there’s no overcoming the influence of Monday’s clash between your ruler Uranus and Pluto. Go with the flow. It’s your best option.


FEB 18 – MAR 19

Some potentiall­y difficult situations are now coming to a head. While you’ve discussed them, they’re not your problem. Tempting as it is to lend a hand, you’ve tasks of your own, ready and waiting.

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 ??  ?? Shelley von Strunckel, one of the world’s top astrologer­s, writes a weekly forecast for Friday.
Shelley von Strunckel, one of the world’s top astrologer­s, writes a weekly forecast for Friday.

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