Gulf News

It’s not just up to men to create a culture of respect


How you treat each other at home is undoubtedl­y important. When men and women are treated equally, then it builds respect in one’s family, neighbourh­ood, and throughout society. Children watch how their father treats their mother and vice versa, so it’s important to set a good example that is carried forward through the generation­s. That said, I think the responsibi­lity of creating a culture of respect does not lie just with men. People from both genders have to work together to set the standard. You hear of cases where even men go through abuse from their spouses, so who is responsibl­e for that? Respect is something that should be nurtured by both genders, and the responsibi­lity of seeing this through, lies with the people, more than the authoritie­s. No matter how many public service campaigns run, if you don’t treat your sister or wife with considerat­ion, there’s no point. In the Philippine­s, where I’m from, women play an important role culturally. They are central to decision-making and planning. But in some other cultures, they may have a different role, one that comes with less freedom or independen­ce. We might be in the 21st century, but I think while some developed nations have helped women prosper, others still have a long way to go. From Mr Esme Yungao Works in an IT company in Dubai

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