Gulf News

Two possible games, each with play


Jay Leno said, “The reason there are two senators for each state is so that one can be the designated driver.” Today’s deal features two possible contracts, each of which might be chosen by South: three no-trump and five clubs. Today, we will look at three no-trump. How should the play proceed after West leads a low diamond? After West opened one heart, North might have jumped to four clubs to show his seven-card suit, but that would have taken his side past three no-trump, which might have been the only game. When he settled for three clubs, South took a shot at three no-trump, but was nervous that five clubs would prove preferable. South seemed prepared for a heart lead, so West tried a sneak diamond attack. This would work well against someone who does not plan his campaign at trick one. Obviously, South must establish and run dummy’s club suit. But he has to anticipate that the defender with the ace will win the second round of the suit. Then declarer will need a dummy entry to cash the five club winners nestling there. What is that entry? Obviously, in diamonds; and to leave West with no defence, South must take the first trick with his diamond king.

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