Gulf News

Iran is the architect of its own downfall

Tehran has to change its behaviour by withdrawin­g from Syria, cutting ties with Hezbollah, persuading Al Houthis to give up weapons and ceasing hostilitie­s

- By Linda S. Heard

Yesterday, the Trump administra­tion reimposed sanctions on Iran’s oil, gas, shipping and banking industries with more on the way. EU states have announced their displeasur­e while vowing to circumvent existing financial channels “allowing European exporters and importers to pursue legitimate trade”. Iran is demanding European guarantees of business as usual. Theirs is a faint hope. Few internatio­nal corporatio­ns will risk defying Washington’s diktats.

The EU defends its position insisting that Iran has abided by the terms of the JCPOA (Joint Comprehens­ive Plan of Action) nuclear deal, which, confirmed by the IAEA (Internatio­nal Atomic Energy Agency) nuclear watchdog, is not in dispute. The renewal of US sanctions is designed to rein in Iran’s naked hostility towards its neighbours and to curb its ambitions to dominate Arab states via armed proxies.

However, rather than seek to change its aggressive ways, the head of the Revolution­ary Guard Corps Mohammad Ali Jafari responded to sanctions on its oil exports with threats to close the vital Straits of Hormuz to shipping. “We will make the enemy understand that either everyone can use the Strait of Hormuz or no one,” he said. That statement has been largely written off as hot air because implementa­tion of that threat would result in a major conflict.

It wasn’t so long ago Iranian officials boasted of controllin­g three Arab capitals — Beirut, Baghdad and Damascus — while feeling confident the Yemeni capital Sana’a was in the bag. Indeed, the ayatollahs carry the responsibi­lity for the suffering of the Yemeni people. If Iran hadn’t funded and armed the Al Houthi militias which attempted to overthrow the elected government led by President Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi, the ongoing war would have been avoided.

Threats and false claims

It is slanderous that the Western media invariably heap blame for Yemen’s misfortune­s on the Saudi-led coalition that with US support and backing was forced to defend the kingdom’s sovereignt­y from cross-border infiltrati­ons. Last year, Iran’s defence minister threatened to destroy Saudi Arabia with the exception of Makkah and Madinah.

Iran has long made false territoria­l claims on Bahrain and was the driver behind a Shiite uprising. In 2016, the Commander of the elite Revolution­ary Guards Al Quds Force General Qassem Sulaimani threatened to fuel “a bloody intifada” in response to Bahrain’s revoking the citizenshi­p of a Shiite cleric.

Moreover, Lebanon has been bleeding from the Iranian boot wielded by Hezbollah that has been branded a terrorist organisati­on by the US, Gulf states and other countries.

It has branded itself as the protector of Lebanon whereas its actions have placed this tiny multi-religious country in the crossfire for decades and starved the government of not only foreign investment and aid but also effective government. Hezbollah’s demands block the appointmen­ts of presidents that aren’t in its camp as well as the formation of government­s which is the case today.

Hezbollah’s leaders may be Lebanese nationals on paper but their loyalty and their pocketbook­s are firmly rooted in Qom, home to Iran’s most influentia­l clerics. Hezbollah, partnered with Iranian Revolution­ary Guards and other Shiite militias, helped tip the balance in the Syrian regime’s favour on the ground without a thought for the potential implicatio­ns for Lebanon that could so easily have been embroiled.

The Iranian regime needs to quit whipping up sectors of its population with fiery rhetoric against western countries and Saudi Arabia. It needs to reach out to its adversarie­s with an offer to be part of the solution, not the instigator of so many problems.

A sea change in behaviour would be the greatest confidence­builder. A good start would be for Iran and Hezbollah to withdraw from Syria. Tehran should cut all ties with Hezbollah and use its leverage on Al Houthis to give up their weapons and declare a permanent cessation of hostilitie­s.

The reimpositi­on of US sanctions, especially on energy exports, will definitely hurt but without cooperatio­n from Russia, China and the EU they are unlikely to deliver the desired result. Ultimately, the ball is in the regime’s court. It must weigh economic struggle and isolation versus good neighbourl­iness and inclusion within the community of nations. If Iran’s leadership cared about the welfare of its people, that should be a no-brainer.

■ Linda S. Heard is an award-winning British political columnist and guest television commentato­r with a focus on the Middle East.

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 ??  ?? New sanctions to take heavy toll on Iran Sanctions may curb Iran support for extremists­Iran’s aggressive policies cause sanctions
New sanctions to take heavy toll on Iran Sanctions may curb Iran support for extremists­Iran’s aggressive policies cause sanctions

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