City Times

QuiCk CroSSword



1 Careworn or gaunt (7) 5 Brownish-purple colour (4) 7 Fuss (3) 8 Degree of slope (8) 9 Bathroom item (5) 10 Snare (4) 13 __ Stansfield, singer (4) 14 Cooking fat (4) 18 Current fashion or style (4) 19 Surpass (5) 21 Site or position (8) 22 Curve (3) 23 Lazy (4) 24 Ugly terrifying being (7)


1 Thoroughly or vigorously (8) 2 Beetle (4-4) 3 African country (6) 4 Scarcity (6) 5 Original (6) 6 Walking stick (4) 11 Circular graph (3,5) 12 Mountain transport system (5,3) 15 Give to charity (6) 16 Monotony (6) 17 Long tapering flag (6) 20 Without heat (4)

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