Khaleej Times

Deals and schemes


Promises to broker peace are nothing new for US President Donald Trump. But Trump is no ordinary US president. Many Palestinia­ns are encouraged by the fact that he does not seem bound by the usual lobby-influenced ideologies and commitment­s of US political parties. In their view, a US president who puts “America first” surely will see the absurdity of spending so much political and financial capital on Israel, which provides little strategic ben- efit to the US, at the cost of greater instabilit­y in the Middle East. Trump’s image as a deal maker reinforces this hopeful narrative. While his promises to strike “the ultimate deal” are not backed by much detail, they remain appealing to Palestinia­ns, who have grown frustrated with a peace process that has had little impact beyond allowing Israel to expand and consolidat­e its occupation of Palestinia­n land. This is not to say that Palestinia­ns blindly trust the Trump administra­tion to determine their fate.

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