Gulf Today - Panorama




Men who eat alone have a 45 per cent greater risk of developing obesity, a new study has found. Researcher­s at Dongguk University Ilsan Hospital in Seoul, South Korea also found links between eating alone and high blood pressure and high cholestero­l. While their findings revealed health consequenc­es for both men and women who dined solo, the effects were far more prevalent in men. The study examined 7,725 adults who were asked to state how often they ate on their own. They found that dining habits posed health threats for those who ate alone more than twice a day. Scientists also found that these individual­s were more likely to be single, live alone and skip meals.

Men who ate alone more than twice a day were the most likely to develop abdominal obesity; typically these men did not have spouses. The study showed that men who ate on their own also were 64 per cent more likely to develop metabolic syndrome, which is a combinatio­n of diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity. Meanwhile, women who regularly ate alone were 29 per cent more likely to contract metabolic syndrome.

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