The National - News

Building the nation in the private sector

Emiratis seeking employment outside the public sector are a critical engine of growth


The push to place more Emiratis into the national workforce, known as Emiratisat­ion, reflects a simple reality facing this country: with resources being poured into infrastruc­ture and other sectors of the economy, populating the workforce with nationals is a prudent investment in future prosperity. The challenge now facing the labour market is attracting Emiratis into the private sector and away from government jobs.

The scope of that challenge was on display at the Sharjah National Career Fair. As The National reported, demand for government jobs in Sharjah is far outweighin­g supply. It is not difficult to see why people – given the choice – would opt for a career in the public sector over the private sector.

Job security, salaries, employment perks and leave entitlemen­t in the civil service far exceed those in private companies. But in order for the economy to remain nimble and grow independen­tly of hydrocarbo­n resources, the private sector must increase the proportion of Emiratis it employs. Such a shift in the labour market requires an infusion of people willing to make the leap into the private sector both to enrich their own careers and to advance the national interest.

What steps can be taken to facilitate this? In many countries, public-sector employment is viewed as a trade-off: staff accept slightly lower salaries and fewer perks than they might expect in the private sector, in return for job security, enhanced pensions and the satisfacti­on derived from serving their country.

It would be unrealisti­c to expect UAE public-sector employers to start cutting salaries. However, it is not unrealisti­c to ask private companies how they might make themselves more attractive to Emirati employees.

There is undeniable satisfacti­on to be had in facing a challenge and coming out on top. The same can be said about choosing a job in the private sector in the knowledge that hard work and commitment will ensure career and salary advancemen­t. There is more to serving one’s country than working in a government job. In our labour market, choosing the private sector comes with the added pride of growing the economy through action and commitment. Such a bold decision is one of the greatest demonstrat­ions of national pride, the effects of which will be seen in the generation­s to come.

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