220 Triathlon


How to avoid common but potentiall­y catastroph­ic mistakes to help you perform at your best


Think you’ve got your training nailed? Think again. There are a few common but catastroph­ic mistakes all triathlete­s are guilty of. Here’s what you need to do to avoid them – and perform better.

Triathlon can be frustratin­g as hell sometimes. You know the feeling. You’re training hard, you’re making all your club sessions, you’ve bought the latest kit – but still you’re not getting faster. In fact, your times may have fallen and your mates are dropping you on rides that you used to find easy. Plus, that niggle in your right knee? It just won’t go away…

So what’s going on? Well, the good news is this is something that happens a lot and we generally don’t need to resort to expensive scientific testing to get to the answer. It’s just a case of looking a bit deeper at what we’re doing in (and out of) training and being honest with ourselves about what could be going wrong.

There are several common mistakes that many triathlete­s make and, chances are, you’re guilty of at least a couple of them, and this is probably what’s holding you back. Read on as we explain what they are, how to beat them and how to start smashing it again.

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