All About History

Dos & don’ts


Bring a Bible

Although paganism is still practised secretly by some, the official state religion is Christiani­ty, so it would be in your best interests to keep a few hymns up the sleeve.

Dye your hair

The Vikings are partial to using hair dye to get those beautiful blonde locks, and you’d be wise to do the same if you’re looking to impress people on your journey.

Plan a holiday

You may have just arrived, but it’s not often you have such friendly relations between countries in Medieval times. Use this opportunit­y to visit the rest of the North Sea Empire.

Change your name

Vikings have the coolest names. In the past century, we have had Sweyn Forkbeard, Harald Bluetooth and Thorkell the Tall. ‘Chris Smith’ isn’t going to cut it here.

Get too attached

The North Sea Empire will struggle to survive the death of Cnut in 1035, so you might want to start warming up to the incoming Normans around 1066.

Spend too long in the cities Although you would be able to witness the latest trends and perhaps taste more exotic cuisine, buildings in town are often infested with tapeworm and diseases.

Diss the Scandinavi­ans Distrust and dislike of Vikings is rife in England, but a large increase in their numbers, and a Danish king, means you shouldn’t be too loud with the jokes and quips.

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