Amateur Photographer

Prix Pictet 07: Space


by Pictet Group, teNeus, £45, hardback, 132 pages, ISBN 978-3832769079

THE purpose of the Prix Pictet photograph­y competitio­n has always been clear: to use photograph­y as a powerful tool to highlight issues of sustainabi­lity. Each year, the competitio­n has devoted itself to a specific theme and this year, the seventh in its history, photograph­ers were asked to submit images that tackled the issue of ‘space’. This is a particular­ly hot topic, considerin­g the growing numbers of our species and the limited resources we have to sustain us. Within this collection of images we find ourselves confronted by a world that is becoming increasing­ly claustroph­obic. Ultimately, it’s a poignant exploratio­n of the fact that while many of us will be comfortabl­e, there’s always a greater number who will have to lose out. It also speaks of the power of photograph­y and how it seems that sometimes words are not enough. There are some issues that really need strong visual images to confront us and make us question exactly what we are doing to the world around us. ★★★★★

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