Amateur Photographer

Selecting the Same location


To Truly understand the nuances of the weather, try photograph­ing the same location from precisely the same spot. Two photograph­s taken at a single location will never be the same, due to the vagaries of the weather. No landscape photograph, no matter how hard you try, can ever be repeated.

Select a location that is convenient; the essence of this exercise is spontaneit­y. The sky tends to be the mirror of the prevailing weather, so compose your picture to include plenty of it. Keep the foreground relatively simple, otherwise it could deflect attention from that element you particular­ly want to highlight – namely, the weather.

Set the images side by side and identify the subtle difference­s the changing weather brings. When editing, also consider the time of day when the photograph was taken. understand that you don’t necessaril­y need to capture a defined weather pattern for a photograph to be interestin­g.

 ??  ?? Saltburn Beach. These four images were taken over several days. It was important that I captured the receding tide at the same point within the cycle. While all four shots reveal broken cloud and the same compositio­nal structure, the character of each...
Saltburn Beach. These four images were taken over several days. It was important that I captured the receding tide at the same point within the cycle. While all four shots reveal broken cloud and the same compositio­nal structure, the character of each...
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