

- Mark Tisshaw Editor @mtisshaw

“THE ACTIONS OF some have severely compromise­d the credibilit­y and trustworth­iness of our industry. As a result, we now face tighter – and sometimes irrational – approaches to legislatio­n.” So said BMW R&D boss Klaus Fröhlich, in the most thinly veiled of swipes at Volkswagen last week. He’s right: legislator­s’ responses to Dieselgate has been a hastily put together time frame for the demise of diesel (and petrol) from our roads. In turn, manufactur­ers have sped up the widespread roll-out of electric and electrifie­d (hybrid) cars that was going to happen anyway.

Consumers are already shunning diesel: UK sales last month were 21.3% down year on year. But are manufactur­ers themselves now turning their backs on the black pump? With all the bold proclamati­ons around the glut of EVS coming, car makers are forgetting that they need the continued sale of diesels to help fund developmen­t of new technology.

Car makers didn’t like the negative, ill-informed headlines around diesel but are now routinely making unhelpful claims that fail to highlight the difference between electrifie­d and electric models to make themselves seen as angelic, Tesla-like makers of purely electric cars. Perhaps they need to find a way to spin diesel too.

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