Bath Chronicle

Has your house been bugged? Pests love to bunk up in greenhouse­s, but there are natural ways to fight them off...

- With Diarmuid Gavin

Glasshouse­s are a great addition to a garden, allowing the keen grower to propagate nearly all year round, get a head start with seed sowing and enjoy tender plants out of season. They’re also attractive to insects who enjoy the snug indoor accommodat­ion and plentiful supply of food.

While low levels of pests can be tolerated, what do you do when there’s an infestatio­n and how can you prevent them?

Glasshouse/greenhouse hygiene is a good starting point. An annual clean in autumn or winter and disinfecti­ng of benches and floors will disrupt the life cycles of many that choose to overwinter in your digs. Good ventilatio­n will help with humidity levels, and try not to overcrowd the place with plants.

Check new arrivals for any insect baggage they are carrying with them – the undersides of leaves are often a hiding place.

Hanging yellow fly traps are a simple method of controllin­g and monitoring fly population­s.

Weeds can be a host for a variety of unwanted visitors so keep on top of them.

If you make regular patrols you will spot problems before they get out of control and many of these creatures can simply be removed by hand.

However, sometimes it can feel as if you’re overrun by them so here’s a guide to some methods for the most common culprits.

When you brush past a plant in the greenhouse and a cloud of white flies comes out, then you have whitefly. A common glasshouse pest, it’s a sap sucker, and you’ll be able to detect it by sooty marks on your leaves – this is a mould growing on their sticky excreta.

Leaves turn yellow and eventually drop off with large infestatio­ns.

Insecticid­es, whether organic and or chemical, will need repeated applicatio­ns.

Organic insecticid­es are made from

plant extracts so can be used on edible crops. But bear in mind that with any insecticid­e you run the risk of killing beneficial insects as well, so it can be counterpro­ductive and upset the natural balance in your garden.

An alternativ­e to sprays is using biological controls. This is where you release beneficial insects that will eat the undesirabl­e flies.

In this case it’s a parasitic wasp called Encarsia which gobbles up the larval form of whiteflies. It’s important that you don’t use insecticid­e at the same time as that will kill the wasps as well.

As for the black mould, just wipe this off with a damp cloth.

The red spider mite is another sap-sucking insect which is having a ball in this dry, warm summer.

Usually found in warm glasshouse­s and conservato­ries, it can holiday outside in the garden when the weather’s right. It’s not fussy about which plant it lives on either, so ornamental as well as fruit and veg are all prey.

The mites are so small you’d need a magnifying glass to see the culprits but the damage they cause is visible to the eye – a fine mottled yellow appearance on the leaves and sometimes they weave a fine web across the foliage which becomes pale and dries up.

The solution? They hate water so a good hosing down will help and regular misting is a good idea.

There is a biological control for this – a small mite called Phytoseiul­us which when released in your glasshouse will gobble up the red spider mite.

Glasshouse thrips are tiny black insects that cause a silver mottling on leaves and flower distortion.

Ask for blue sticky sheets from your garden centre and hang these above your plants to catch them.

There are a number of predatory mites that you can order online, such as Amblyseius, or use organic sprays.

You can also try homemade recipes to make your own fly deterrent. These involve mixing varying concoction­s of liquid soap, garlic, neem oil, peppermint, vinegar or baking soda diluted in water and used via spray bottles.

So if you’re a DIY-ER, get mixing in the kitchen.

Bear in mind that insecticid­es can kill beneficial bugs too...

 ??  ?? Cosy: Greenhouse­s make great breeding grounds for nasties
Cosy: Greenhouse­s make great breeding grounds for nasties
 ??  ?? Stick ‘em up: Fly paper is a simple way to catch bugs
Stick ‘em up: Fly paper is a simple way to catch bugs
 ??  ?? Having a ball: Red spider mites
Having a ball: Red spider mites
 ??  ??

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