BBC Wildlife Magazine

The Sauropod Dinosaurs: Life in the Age of Giants


Mark Hallett, Mathew J Wedel Johns Hopkins University Press £26 Size isn’t everything – except when it comes to dinosaurs. The largest were the longnecked sauropods, of which Diplodocus is arguably the best-known example. Despite their bulk, these herbivorou­s giants have received less coverage than their scarier, carnivorou­s cousins, such as Tyrannosau­rus, but this remarkable book helps to redress this imbalance. Blending hard evidence with informed speculatio­n, it offers a complete guide to the science of the sauropods, from the history of their discovery and evolution to their biological basics. From this flows a plausible and readable reconstruc­tion of lifestyle and behaviour, including how they might have moved, fed, socialised and interacted with the Mesozoic world around them. A must-have for any dinosaur enthusiast. Paul Chambers Palaeontol­ogist

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 ??  ?? A herd of North American diplodocid­s Barosaurus lentus in search of fresh browse.
A herd of North American diplodocid­s Barosaurus lentus in search of fresh browse.

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