BBC Wildlife Magazine

Inside the image


As a studio for colourful and compelling wildlife photograph­y, the world beneath the waves is hard to beat, with coral reef habitat particular­ly inspiratio­nal and productive. The diversity of marine life has called to me for more than 30 years – I’m happiest when watching the daily bustle of the reef residents through my camera.


I was scuba diving at Challenger Bay on Australia’s Great Barrier Reef when I came across a 70cm wide giant clam Tridacna gigas with the most amazing markings decorating the fleshy folds of the mantle tissues between its huge shells. It was as if I was seeing the cosmos in miniature, an electrical storm raging around a decaying sun in a far-distant galaxy.

The psychedeli­c scene begged to be photograph­ed, so I approached cautiously. There was no fear of the sessile mollusc fleeing, of course, but these animals sometimes close up when a diver’s shadow falls across them. I was in luck, able to position my bulky camera housing and flashes a mere 10cm from my obliging subject. Under the magnificat­ion of my macro lens, the mesmerisin­g swirl of neon blue striations set my imaginatio­n free. I envisioned at least a dozen otherworld­y abstract images awaiting creation, all in front of me, all within the universe of this clam’s brilliant smile.

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