Belfast Telegraph

Angry MPs hit out at snub for Libyan terror payout fund



THE Government has been heavily criticised after snubbing proposals for a compensati­on scheme for victims of Libyan-sponsored IRA terrorism.

It rejected calls from a powerful committee of MPs to set up and finance a reparation­s fund.

Officials also ruled out using the UK’s political or financial support to Libya as leverage to secure cash, saying it would not be in the national interest.

The Government was responding to recommenda­tions made in a highly critical report by the Northern Ireland Affairs Committee.

The cross-party group of MPs has been considerin­g how victims of atrocities carried out with weapons and Semtex supplied by the Gaddafi regime can be compensate­d.

Last night MPs joined with victims’ campaigner­s and families bereaved by IRA violence to condemn the Government’s response.

Northern Ireland-born Labour MP Kate Hoey said the move was “unacceptab­le”.

Kenny Donaldson from Innocent Victims United accused the Government of cowardice.

He said: “Effectivel­y, what the UK State is saying is: ‘We’re prepared to keep providing tea and biccies and offering patronisin­g sympathy. But when it comes to standing by victims’ rights and unashamedl­y pursuing their legitimate grievances, we are opting out’.

“This position is the position of cowardice and is both politicall­y and morally indefensib­le.”

From the early 1970s the Gaddafi regime supplied arms, explosives, funding and training to the IRA.

Libyan-supplied Semtex was used in bombings including the Harrods department store attack in 1983, the Enniskille­n Poppy Day blast in 1987 and the Warrington bomb in 1993.

In May a report by the Northern Ireland Affairs Committee criticised the failure of successive government­s to pursue compensati­on from Libya.

The report made a series of recommenda­tions, including: • A “fresh approach” from the Government to secure compensati­on for victims of IRA attacks that used Gaddafi-supplied Semtex. • A reparation­s fund establishe­d and financed by the Government if rapid progress is not made with Libyan authoritie­s. • A proposal for Libyan assets to be frozen in the UK to provide leverage in direct negotiatio­ns on compensati­on for victims.

However, the Government response, which was published today, did not accept the committee’s recommenda­tions. It instead concluded that: • Despite repeated expression­s of sympathy for victims, a UK reparation­s fund for victims is not a “viable option”. • Compensati­on claims are considered to be private matters, but the Foreign and Commonweal­th Office should provide facilitati­on to victims to engage with the Libyan authoritie­s to pursue compensati­on. • It is not in the UK national interest to use political or financial support to Libya as leverage to secure compensati­on for victims.

The Northern Ireland Affairs Committee said the response was unacceptab­le.

It added: “The response will be deeply disappoint­ing to victims.

“It does not offer a new way forward for securing compensati­on to victims and reiterates the Government’s current position.”

Committee chairman Andrew Murrison said: “It had been hoped that, despite decades of disappoint­ment, a fresh way forward could be found.”

The US secured a $1.5bn compensati­on fund for American victims of terror attacks blamed on Libya, including the Lockerbie bombing.

Ms Hoey said there was an onus on the Government to act for its people.

“The Government response is as unsurprisi­ng as it is unacceptab­le,” she added.

“They are telling people to seek justice on their own, to bear the cost and overcome the language barrier of obtaining compensati­on directly from the Libyan government.

“There is a duty to represent the victims, just as the US and German government­s fought for compensati­on for their citizens.”

DUP MP Ian Paisley, who also sits on the committee, said: “Enniskille­n, Portadown, Manchester, Brighton, Lisburn, Belfast, Canary Wharf and Warrington were all bombed by the Provisiona­l IRA using Libyan Semtex.

“It is appalling that there has been no substantiv­e action from the Government over a long period of time to address the injustice felt by victims right across the United Kingdom.”

A statement said: “The Government notes the committee’s recommenda­tion that the UK should establish a fund to provide financial compensati­on and support specifical­ly to the victims of Gaddafi-sponsored terrorism, while simultaneo­usly taking forward negotiatio­ns with the Libyan authoritie­s.

“Her Majesty’s Government has considered the feasibilit­y of establishi­ng such a fund and at this stage has concluded that it is not a viable option.”

 ??  ?? Labour MP Kate Hoey (top) and campaigner Kenny Donaldson
Labour MP Kate Hoey (top) and campaigner Kenny Donaldson
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