Belfast Telegraph

Lancing the boil of organised religion

- HENRY SWIFT Newtownabb­ey

WA MILLER (Write Back, November 8) raises a valid issue about the ‘Christian world’ in the West. I would refer him to the online site http://universalj­ regarding ‘Christendo­m’.

I would suggest that advocating a truthful examinatio­n, especially, initially, within our education system at secondary and above levels, of monotheism’s origins and the subsequent creation of the three Abrahamic faiths in the one God — be that Yahweh, God, The Father, or Allah — could help lance the boil of religions, which are nothing more than the cultural imperialis­m of creating a shared identity beyond ‘national’ borders.

This was a strategy most exploited by the Romans from early in the fourth century, as they sought to establish (and succeeded) a universal Roman identity throughout the Roman empire before creating a Holy Roman empire.

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