Belfast Telegraph

Pro-life views more than a religious issue


DAVID Fullerton (Write Back, January 10) is gravely mistaken in thinking that abortion is opposed only by those whom he describes as holding ‘fundamenta­list beliefs’.

Abortion — the deliberate destructio­n of the life of an unborn child — is also opposed by many people on scientific grounds.

Science tells us that human life is present from the moment of conception. Many people, of all religious persuasion­s and none, believe the intentiona­l killing of a human being is not morally permissibl­e. Therefore, they are against abortion.

Certainly, Christians can look to the word of God, which makes it very clear that human life in the womb belongs to God. The command, ‘Thou shalt not kill’ (Exodus 20:13) includes also the unborn.

Neverthele­ss, there are also atheists who are against abortion on ethical grounds and who see it as a diminishme­nt of our common humanity.

FR PATRICK McCAFFERTY Corpus Christi Parish, Belfast

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