Belfast Telegraph

Alcohol is the big problem at university, say students


MOST students have not used drugs during their time at university and more think excessive alcohol consumptio­n is a bigger issue, a new study suggests.

The survey also found that a high proportion — 88% — believe drug use can cause longterm mental health problems, with around two thirds stating that it contribute­s to criminalit­y and healthcare costs.

The study, by the Higher Education Policy Institute (Hepi) and the University of Buckingham, found that 71% of students have not taken illicit drugs.

As many as 44% think drinking alcohol excessivel­y is a “very serious” threat compared to 33% who consider illegal drugs more dangerous.

Hepi director Nick Hillman said: “This survey provides an important corrective to some of the wilder ideas about today’s students. A majority clearly recognise the dangers of taking illegal substances.”

The survey of 1,000 people was conducted via YouthSight’s student panel, with results weighted to reflect all the body of full-time undergradu­ate students.

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