Belfast Telegraph

Not all Presbyteri­ans are isolationi­st and intolerant

- Richard Hill

The bad choices by the Presbyteri­an Assembly last week don’t match my experience and conversati­ons with many grassroots members over the last few days.

For 17 years I served as a parish minister before resigning in 2008 to work in several public service roles.

I am currently the deputy chair of the Independen­t Press Standards Organisati­on for the UK. I’m still a person of faith who cares deeply about Church.

I was dismayed by the Irish General Assembly decision to stop sending representa­tives to the Church of Scotland’s Assembly. They had ceased sending delegates in protest at the Church of Scotland’s decision to allow the ordination of clergy in civil partnershi­ps in 2015.

Following the Scottish Church’s decision this year approving a report which may pave the way for some ministers to conduct same-sex marriages, the Irish Church made their ban permanent and left their Scottish guests in Belfast with little option than to politely withdraw.

We’ve had long historical links with the Scottish Church. The first Presbyteri­an Churches on this island were formed by Scottish Presbyteri­ans.

Many of our clergy through the centuries have been trained in Scottish universiti­es and made welcome there.

Before returning to work in the Presbyteri­an Church in Ireland I studied at the University of Aberdeen. My dad died when I was student; I’m forever grateful for the kindness of the Church of Scotland in stepping in to help fund my final year.

The isolationi­st approach by the Irish Church is truly depressing. It sits alongside a Northern Ireland political context in which nobody is talking.

The Church can’t really lecture the politician­s about lack of dialogue when they have stopped talking to their own neighbours.

The second wrong decision of the week to exclude LGBT couples from communion and their children from baptism was unnecessar­ily cruel and shows a deeply intrusive interest in people’s private lives.

The Church appears to show more curiosity about sexual activity than it does in social justice and equality.

There have been some high-profile responses. It was brave of the Macaulay family to speak to this paper yesterday about their sense of hurt and their decision to leave the Presbyteri­an Church in Ireland.

Lord Alderdice commented on social media about the rise in fundamenta­lism in the Presbyteri­an Church.

There’s good reason to fear he’s right. One minister currently faces a Church disciplina­ry process for views he expressed about gay marriage.

There appears to be a move towards enforcing a new insidious type of Church orthodoxy.

I’d appeal to the Presbyteri­an Church for tolerance. LGBT marriage is a subject which can divide Christians, but it doesn’t have to. Surely, we can tolerate diversity of opinion on how we interpret the Bible?

For me, the decisions taken by the Irish General Assembly are depressing, but I believe there are reasons to be hopeful.

There are many clergy who don’t agree with the views expressed last week — sadly it is almost impossible for them to speak out without facing a disciplina­ry process.

I’ve heard from a lot of people who have told me that they are leaving the Church.

Don’t let the bad choices of the institutio­n obscure the warmth and generosity that remains in many congregati­ons towards all people.

The institutio­n may have revealed itself to be isolationi­st and intolerant, but not all Presbyteri­ans are.

 ??  ?? A baby is baptised and (right) Lord Alderdice has commented on issue
A baby is baptised and (right) Lord Alderdice has commented on issue
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