Belfast Telegraph

Woman who quit Presbyteri­an Church over same-sex ruling urges others to examine conscience­s


Stephen McCarroll: Maybe it would suit this woman better if she opened her Bible and found out what God says about this situation. John MacArthur summed it up by saying: “If the truth offends, then let it offend. People have been living their whole lives in offence to God; let them be offended for a while.”

Shane T James O’Neill:

When did a so-called ‘God’ write the Bible? In the 20th century, the vast majority of theologian­s — both Catholic and Protestant — moved away from the divine dictation model and emphasised the role of human authors. As a result, even many conservati­ve scholars now accept, for example, that the Book of Isaiah has multiple authors and that 2 Corinthian­s is two letters joined together.

Ishmael Simms: They wouldn’t christen my grandson either because his parents are not married. They’d rather condemn an innocent child than examine their totally out-of-date values. If they were to be that strict in enforcing their other rules, their churches would be empty on a Sunday. Shame on them.

David Simpson: Ishmael Simms, how exactly are they condemning your grandson? The Presbyteri­an Church views a christenin­g as a promise from the parents to God that they will bring up the child in a Christian home. One of the foundation­s of having children is being married. How can you expect a church to just ignore that?

Cassandra Jordan: David Simpson, so you need to be married to bring a child up in a Christian home? If you have a child out of wedlock, God won’t listen to your promises? What about adopted kids? Thank goodness I’m not a Christian. At least I’m good to all and treat everyone with respect — unlike this ridiculous religion.

David Simpson: Cassandra Jordan, you’re taking my words out of context. The example above is one where they are living together. However, they have not made the commitment Christiani­ty demands — marriage. They are failing in having a Christian home, so they cannot possibly bring a child up in a Christian home. That doesn’t mean they cannot bring up a child well, however. A person who had a child out of wedlock, but becomes (or is) a Christian, could still have their child christened, as they are promising to bring up the child to know God. Regarding adopted kids, well, what’s your question? Treat all with respect, but condemn others for living by the principles of the Bible? Really?

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