


Breakfast Berry crunch

In a bowl (or a large glass, which looks better) add a couple of handfuls of blueberrie­s, blackberri­es and raspberrie­s, then granola. Finish with a layer of low-fat yoghurt and sprinkle with grated apple.

Lunch Chicken pasta salad

Slice a cooked chicken breast into strips and add to a bowl with cherry tomato halves, a handful of spinach, 3tbsp mixed beans, 2 sliced spring onions and ½ cup of cooked wholemeal pasta. Mix well, add a splash of low-calorie salad dressing and serve.

Dinner Bean chilli

Mix a small can of kidney beans with a small can of chopped tomatoes, ½ onion, ½ pepper and ½ courgette, all chopped and sautéed. Add 2tbsp sweetcorn and chilli (optional). Simmer until softened. Serve with 4tbsp cooked wholegrain rice.

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