

Tackles your aunt, Vanessa Feltz, Our celebrity agony and humour her usual wit, wisdom problems with


I’ve realised over the past few weeks how very few people reach out to me. I’m in a very happy marriage with two fabulous children who have flown the nest – but this time of reflection has made me realise I don’t have many friends. I have acquaintan­ces – but no one I’m particular­ly close to, it’s quite sad! I’m starting to question if it’s because people don’t really like me – or if I’ve just been so distracted by my home life that I’ve never needed anyone else. How can I fix this?

Grace, London

Have you considered that you’re so happy in your marriage and with your kids, that other people might think you don’t need their friendship? Maybe your contentmen­t is perceived as exclusivit­y, and they don’t want to intrude on your family life. This isn’t difficult to change. Just signal loudly and clearly that you are available and willing to make some new friends. Ask a little group over for some socially distanced drinks and nibbles in the garden, or make plans to meet them in the park. Make a few phone calls. Reach out. People will be flattered, thrilled and maybe even surprised. It’s never too late to turn an acquaintan­ce into a friend.

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