Bird Watching (UK)



Richard Sale & Per Michelsen, Collins, £19.99

If you're heading for Arctic Scandinavi­a and Russia, or Iceland, Greenland, Canada and Alaska, this compact volume looks ideal – 250 bird species, 60 terrestria­l mammals and 30 seals and whales are covered, with more than 800 colour photos. It's hard to complain about the thoroughne­ss of the species accounts, but it has to be said that the text size is small enough that you might have trouble reading it without some magnificat­ion, whether that's under the midnight sun or whatever. The photos generally do a good job of illustrati­ng a variety of plumages and postures where the birds are concerned, so you could leave the weightier field guides at home, and comfortabl­y stick this in the pocket of your coat. The relatively short introducto­ry section is excellent, too, looking at the different habitats of the Arctic, why they are as they are, and what that means for you as a wildlifetr­aveller there. It's in similarly small type, though, so be prepared for a bit of eye strain. If you can deal with that, this is a good all-round guide to the wildlife of one of the world's great wilderness­es.

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