Birmingham Post

Simple screening could prevent hip fractures from osteoporos­is


COMMUNITY screening for osteoporos­is could prevent more than a quarter of hip fractures in older women, according to new research done in Birmingham.

A study, published in The Lancet, has shown that a simple questionna­ire, combined with bone mineral density measuremen­ts for some, would help identify those at risk of hip fracture.

The research, involving more than 12,000 older women and carried out in collaborat­ion between the universiti­es of Birmingham, East Anglia, Bristol, Leicester, York and Sheffield, found that screening through GP practices allowed patients to be targeted for treatment. In women agreeing to participat­e, this led to a 28 per cent reduction in hip fractures over five years.

Professor Neil Gittoes, of the University of Birmingham’s Institute of Metabolism and Systems Research, said: “Our findings showed that screening led to a statistica­lly significan­t decrease in hip fractures.

“Our data has the potential to influence national policies around prevention of hip fractures, which is particular­ly relevant in our ageing society.

“The consequenc­es of hip fractures to older people can be devastatin­g, including impaired mobility and loss of independen­ce.

“While we have demonstrat­ed clinical effectiven­ess of screening, we are also exploring cost-effec- tiveness of this approach and initial analyses also look promising in this respect.”

A total of 12,483 women aged 70-85 were recruited from 100 GP practices in seven regions – Birmingham, Bristol, Manchester, Norwich, Sheffield, Southampto­n, and York. Half of the women were screened to compare screening with routine care.

Among those screened, treatment was recommende­d for one in seven women deemed at high risk of hip fracture.

This recommenda­tion was acted upon by the women and their GPs so that more than three quarters of the women at high risk were on osteoporos­is medication­s within six months of screening.

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