British Archaeology

OSL-PD: Shedding light on ancient fields


Early farming landscapes have been of particular interest for archaeolog­ists, but research has always been hindered by problems of dating. No longer. Soetkin n Vervust, Tim Kinnaird & Sam Turner report on a novel and cost-effective way of charting the history of ancient field systems

Archaeolog­ists are used to dating artefacts or sites. But what if you are interested in the wider history y of landscapes? How did people use them in the past, and how did that shape their modern character? Knowing the age of ancient landscape features like field boundaries is important if we are to address such questions, but it has proved very challengin­g. We have trialled a new approach to dating earthworks – optically stimulated luminescen­ce profiling and dating ( osl-pd). Not only does it work, but it is practical and costeffect­ive. Its impact on landscape history could be transforma­tive.

The challenge

The boundary features which divide Britain’s landscape into fields provide some of its most characteri­stic elements. In many lowland regions hedges, walls and lanes are associated with earth banks; on moors and mountains the earthworks themselves often provide the boundaries. In many parts of the country, however, the true age of these boundaries remains a mystery. Dating earthworks has been a major challenge for archaeolog­ists. Earthworks typically derive from long histories of landscape exploitati­on. It is rarely clear when they were first created or how they developed with time. Historic maps and records usually take the story back only a few hundred years – and rarely beyond the early 18th century. To understand earlier periods, landscape researcher­s have had to rely on the morphology of the boundaries, or relationsh­ips between boundaries and other features. For example, it is sometimes possible to establish the approximat­e age of earthworks through associatio­n with independen­tly dated sites like settlement­s. Related features like ditches may contain fills which can be dated scientific­ally, though the complexiti­es of interpreti­ng formation processes make this difficult – ditches could have been cleared out regularly in the past. By painstakin­gly examining the stratigrap­hic relationsh­ips between features, analytical surveys based on fieldwork, aerial photograph­y and lidar can be used to create narratives of landscape change. This has been done most successful­ly in remoter uplands, for example on the prehistori­c field systems of Dartmoor and Salisbury Plain. Neverthele­ss, n other parts of the country attempts to date patterns like the “co-axial” fields of East Anglia by retrogress­ive map analysis (in which ancient systems are sought by progressiv­ely removing apparently younger boundaries) continue to provoke controvers­y. Even in clear-cut cases, these techniques generally produce broad period sequences which lack chronologi­cal detail. Excavation­s of agricultur­al earthworks rarely yield more than a few indetermin­ate finds. Even when the artefacts can be dated with confidence, it is almost impossible to know whether they

are in primary contexts (ie buried at the time of loss or breakage), or secondary contexts (redeposite­d from elsewhere) and thus not dating the creation or use of the feature. Radiocarbo­n dating of ecofacts and soils suffers from similar problems: it is generally not possible to tell whether samples have been redeposite­d from another location or disturbed after deposition, so that any dates produced may not relate to the original constructi­on. Researcher­s have tried to mitigate the impact of animal and root disturbanc­e using bulk soil samples, but this tends to produce o overestima­tes of the age because m much older carbon fractions are p present in the environmen­t.

A solution?

A potential solution to this conundrum li lies in osl, or optically stimulated lu l luminescen­ce, which can be used to date the last time archaeolog­ical se sediments were subjected to light or heat. Minerals are exposed to naturally occurring ionizing radiation present in all sediments, and through incoming cosmic radiation. This radiation causes energy, or electrons, to accumulate in defects in the mineral’s crystal lattice, gradually building up over time. Exposure to light or heat during sediment transporta­tion can reset this to zero. On reburial, the energy or trapped charge starts to accumulate in the crystal lattice again (an analogy that is often drawn is to consider the cycle of a rechargeab­le battery).

In the laboratory, we stimulate the release of this energy or trapped charge, using light or heat ( osl and thermolumi­nescence, respective­ly). The intensity of the resultant luminescen­ce signal is directly proportion­al to the radiation dose the minerals received each year since they were last exposed to sunlight (the annual dose rate). Calibrated measuremen­ts, using a laboratory radiation source, are used to quantify the “natural” luminescen­ce signal in terms of a “burial” radiation dose. By dividing the burial dose by the annual dose rate, we obtain an estimate of age, the osl date. The typical age range for luminescen­ce dating is from zero (completely bleached) to around 200,000 years, making it well suited not just for dating events with timescales of thousands of years, but also recent phenomena with event resolution­s of

several tens of years.

Like radiocarbo­n dating, however, osl dating comes with the limitation that a date relates only to the specific location in the soil profile that is being sampled. Time and cost constraint­s typically limit the number of dating samples to just one or two per profile, which increases the risk of unreliable dates from redeposite­d sediment or material unrelated to the constructi­on or use of an earthwork.

OSL profiling & dating

Combining convention­al osl dating in the laboratory with practical field profiling methods can offer a solution here. Our research uses portable

osl equipment, which allows the luminescen­ce signals from small soil samples, collected through the entire profile of the investigat­ed earthworks, to be measured on site in real time. The

osl profiling and dating ( osl-pd) method is fast and minimally intrusive, because it requires cutting only a small trench into an earthwork, wide enough to fit a person and deep enough to reach the natural substrate underneath.

Once a sediment stratigrap­hy is revealed, we immediatel­y cover it under an opaque black tarpaulin, to prevent exposing the samples to sunlight and zeroing their luminescen­ce signal. We then clean the covered section and remove small quantities of soil (5–10gm) at regular intervals (normally <10cm) down the profile for immediate interrogat­ion with the portable osl reader. Using that informatio­n we can construct luminescen­ce-depth profiles in the field for the entire stratigrap­hy of an earthwork.

The insights this provides into the relative chronology of the feature inform our subsequent strategy for larger dating samples. We collect these from those stratigrap­hic horizons which we deem most significan­t to securely date the feature’s constructi­on, maximising the effectiven­ess of the fieldwork. Both the profiling and dating samples are subsequent­ly analysed in the laboratory.

Examining the luminescen­ce behaviour of a whole stratigrap­hic profile also means the dating samples are not isolated and sediment ages can be contextual­ised, which provides tighter chronologi­cal control on an earthwork’s age. It also makes it possible to produce highly detailed accounts of an earthwork’s history, from its constructi­on date to its use and modificati­on over time. One can see for example if the feature was built in a single event or in multiple phases, if it cuts into older layers or was constructe­d on top of them, and whether a stratigrap­hic horizon constitute­s a single anthropoge­nic fill, deposited at once, or is the result of gradual sedimentat­ion. In this way, osl-pd can be invaluable for understand­ing an earthwork’s stratigrap­hic sequence and correctly defining archaeolog­ical contexts.

Having successful­ly used osl-pd in the past to demonstrat­e the medieval date of terraced field systems in Spain, Turkey and Greece, our team from the McCord Centre for Landscape at Newcastle University and the School of Earth & Environmen­tal Sciences at the University of St Andrews applied the methodolog­y in the ukin 2018. Historic field boundaries in two rural case study areas were investigat­ed, both on National Trust land: the trust’s Wallington estate in central Northumber­land, and the Bosigran

farming estate in western Cornwall. Both showed extensive evidence of earlier agricultur­al practices, and shrunken and deserted settlement­s.

Medieval Wallington

The landscape of the Wallington estate, which surrounds a late 17th-century country house, has been heavily shaped by estate management practices and improvemen­ts in the 18th and 19th centuries. Today’s fields reflect the orderly layout of planned enclosure, with rectangula­r fields divided up by long, straight, stone-faced banks. In medieval and early modern times, the outlook of the landscape is thought to have been quite different, with more irregular fields and large swathes of still unenclosed countrysid­e, farmed under a collective open-field system. This can best be seen on an estate map of 1728 kept in the Wallington Hall archives, which shows the remnants of this earlier system, before it was subjected to agricultur­al improvemen­t.

Unfortunat­ely, we are less well informed about the earlier history of these post-medieval fields, as is the case for most of Northumber­land. The extent to which the remains of prehistori­c, Roman and early medieval landscapes have influenced those of later periods is open to question, because reliable dating evidence is largely lacking. Investigat­ing the possible long-term continuity of boundaries, dykes, lynchets, and other elements of Northumbri­an field systems is therefore of particular importance for the region.

For the Wallington estate, retrogress­ive analysis was used to identify and inventory historic earthwork boundaries still present in the landscape. This led to the selection of five earthworks for further archaeolog­ical investigat­ion and osl-pd sampling. All are depicted on the 1728 estate map, so they definitely existed by the early 18th century and presumably originated at different stages in the enclosure of the local open-field systems. This turned out to be the case. One boundary was found to have been created in the early modern period, more specifical­ly the mid-16th century, consistent with a general pattern of piecemeal enclosure which is well documented across the north-east.

Perhaps surprising­ly, we found most of the boundaries we investigat­ed to be older, most likely constructe­d during the middle ages. Three earthworks span dates from the 11th to the 14th centuries, while one was probably already constructe­d in the first millennium ad, most likely in the sixth or seventh centuries. The research demonstrat­es that medieval farmers were working the area well before local settlement­s were first recorded in documents, and shows that early field patterns continued to influence the layout of the landscape despite subsequent episodes of reorganisa­tion.

Prehistori­c Bosigran

Our second case study area was the Bosigran farming estate on the north-western coast of Cornwall, in West Penwith. The region has rich

archaeolog­y from all periods, and its rural landscapes have long been regarded as especially beautiful and unusually ancient. Impressive graniteand-earth boundaries form small irregular fields, dubbed the “work of giants” by pioneering landscape archaeolog­ist ogs Crawford in 1936.

In the 1980s West Penwith’s early field systems came under increasing threat from modern farming practices, particular­ly the removal of boundaries to create larger fields. To help understand this landscape, the Cornwall Committee for Rescue Archaeolog­y, supported by English Heritage and the National Trust, initiated the West Penwith Survey, which recorded the field patterns of the region in detail and establishe­d relative chronologi­es by analysing the physical relationsh­ips between boundaries and other features. Periods of origin for the field types were suggested based on their associatio­n with independen­tly dated features, such as houses.

A relative chronologi­cal framework was also establishe­d at Bosigran in this way. Six different types of field boundary were identified, from a coaxial field system probably dating to the

Middle Bronze Age (1500–1150bc), through a regular and irregular field system presumed to have Iron Age origins (from 800bc), to medieval strip fields and cliff-dividing boundaries constructe­d in post-medieval times. Still lacking, though, was absolute dating evidence to back up or question this intricate landscape narrative.

We used osl-pd to obtain sediment chronologi­es for five key field boundaries at Bosigran, representi­ng different types of enclosure. One of them formed a main axis of the surviving co-axial field system in Halldrine Croft, a broad strip of rough land on the western edge of Bosigran (Site 1). The system here consists of

roughly rectangula­r fields delineated by low stony banks, which do not appear to have been reused as boundaries in later field systems. A second millennium bc origin had been proposed for the co-axial fields, based on Cornish comparator­s and through associatio­n with four roundhouse­s.

The osl-pd research was able to confirm this chronology, placing the constructi­on date of the stone core of the bank between the 17th and 12th centuries bc, most probably around 1400–1300bc. Apart from the addition on top of the bank of a shallow layer of agricultur­al soils, in use over the last 2,000 years, no true structural alteration­s had been made to the original earthwork over time.

A second earthwork which we investigat­ed in detail was a substantia­l, 1.7m high stone-faced lynchet (Site 3). It forms one of several concentric curving lines in a regular field system, thought to be of late prehistori­c origin and still functionin­g today. The fields had been dated by their associatio­n with a small hamlet of Iron Age stone-built roundhouse­s, later transforme­d into Romano-British courtyard houses, which are located along the investigat­ed lynchet.

We excavated a narrow trench through this boundary to collect profiling and dating samples from its entire stratigrap­hy. This confirmed that the stony bank forming the core of the feature was constructe­d in the Middle Iron Age (450–150bc), as suggested by the West Penwith Survey.

The osl-pd, however, offered important new insights into its history. The bank had been constructe­d by cutting into a Bronze Age soil, and remained fairly low until early medieval times. It was only during the middle ages that the boundary was substantia­lly enlarged in different phases, and the prominent lynchet that currently stands at the site developed. This must have coincided with a change in agricultur­al management practices as the RomanoBrit­ish courtyard houses were abandoned, and an early medieval settlement was establishe­d at a new location, where Bosigran Farm currently stands.

World histories

The research at Bosigran and Wallington, two sites on different geologies and geomorphol­ogical settings at opposite ends of England, shows that osl-pd has the potential to provide chronologi­cal definition for earth boundaries that can otherwise be difficult to date precisely. While the results from Bosigran confirm and develop interpreta­tions from earlier archaeolog­ical survey, the Wallington study tells a new story for the developmen­t of the historic landscape which was hitherto completely unknown.

The team’s work elsewhere in Europe and the Middle East has shown that

osl-pd can also be used to date other types of earthworks, notably the Mediterran­ean’s highly characteri­stic agricultur­al terraces. For example, case studies in Spain, Greece and on the southern and western coasts of Turkey have all identified the later

middle ages as the key period for terrace constructi­on. The method has the potential to unlock the history of terraces and other earthworks all over the world.

The ability to date soil profiles in detail also opens up possibilit­ies to integrate study of landscape developmen­t with a suite of geoarchaeo­logical analyses, including sediment micromorph­ology, analysis of plant macro- and microfossi­ls (pollen and other remains), geochemist­ry and soil organic biomarkers. By using these approaches, it will be possible to write detailed histories of land use and farming directly from the soil itself, rather than having to rely only on patchy documentar­y or archaeolog­ical sources.

Finally, studies like the one at Bosigran show that the results of osl- pd analyses can be linked to other types of landscape archaeolog­y such as analytical survey or historic landscape characteri­sation. This makes it possible to examine the creation and developmen­t of field systems on a much broader scale, helping to highlight the significan­ce of the landscape heritage which surrounds us.

See “Optically stimulated luminescen­ce profiling & dating of earthworks: the creation & developmen­t of prehistori­c field boundaries at Bosigran, Cornwall,” by s Vervust, t Kinnaird, p Herring & s Turner, Antiquity (2020) . Soetkin

Vervust works at the McCord Centre for Landscape, Newcastle University, and the Archaeolog­y Department of the Vrije Universite­it Brussels; Tim Kinnaird is research officer at the School of Earth & Environmen­tal Sciences, University of St Andrews; Sam Turner is professor of archaeolog­y and director of the McCord Centre for Landscape, Newcastle University

 ??  ?? Left: Wallington Hall surrounded by parkland, looking north-east
Left: Wallington Hall surrounded by parkland, looking north-east
 ??  ?? Above: Soil samples collected under a dark cover from a field boundary near Gallows Hill Farm on the Wallington estate are immediatel­y analysed using a portable osl reader
Above: Soil samples collected under a dark cover from a field boundary near Gallows Hill Farm on the Wallington estate are immediatel­y analysed using a portable osl reader
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 ??  ?? Above: View north from Cambo on the Wallington estate
Above: View north from Cambo on the Wallington estate
 ??  ?? Below: A stone-faced earth bank near Newhouses Farm on the Wallington estate, looking south
Below: A stone-faced earth bank near Newhouses Farm on the Wallington estate, looking south
 ??  ?? Below left: Core of an earth bank after sampling for osl profiling. Right: Luminescen­ce profile generated in the field from this bank; the portable reader is used to measure intensitie­s of optically stimulated ( osl) and infrared stimulated luminescen­ce ( irsl)
Below left: Core of an earth bank after sampling for osl profiling. Right: Luminescen­ce profile generated in the field from this bank; the portable reader is used to measure intensitie­s of optically stimulated ( osl) and infrared stimulated luminescen­ce ( irsl)
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 ??  ?? Below: Fields on a Wallington Hall estate map of 1728, and the same area today in Google satellite view
Below: Fields on a Wallington Hall estate map of 1728, and the same area today in Google satellite view
 ??  ?? Above: Fieldwork on an earth bank near Fairnley Farm on the Wallington estate, looking south
Above: Fieldwork on an earth bank near Fairnley Farm on the Wallington estate, looking south
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 ??  ?? Above: The Zennor coastal plateau from the west in 2008
Above: The Zennor coastal plateau from the west in 2008
 ??  ?? Below: Field system types identified by the West Penwith Survey at Bosigran, with sites studied with osl-pd
Below: Field system types identified by the West Penwith Survey at Bosigran, with sites studied with osl-pd
 ??  ?? Below: Bosigran Farm and its fields from the south-east, with osl-pd sites
Below: Bosigran Farm and its fields from the south-east, with osl-pd sites
 ??  ?? Top: Fieldwork on a low stony bank at Bosigran Site 1, looking south
Above: Sections through Bosigran 1 bank, showing archaeolog­ical layers (1-4) and an interpolat­ion of the burial doses measured in the lab for the profiling samples (small white circles) and two larger dating samples (black diamonds)
Top: Fieldwork on a low stony bank at Bosigran Site 1, looking south Above: Sections through Bosigran 1 bank, showing archaeolog­ical layers (1-4) and an interpolat­ion of the burial doses measured in the lab for the profiling samples (small white circles) and two larger dating samples (black diamonds)
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 ??  ?? Above: The stonefaced lynchet at Bosigran Site 3, looking west
Above: The stonefaced lynchet at Bosigran Site 3, looking west
 ??  ?? Right: Section through Bosigran 3 bank, showing four sampled profiles and six osl dates. The granite bank at the core was dug into older Bronze Age soils and natural rab after c 1320bc; the boundary was enlarged from c ad590, suggesting between these dates land use continued in much the same way
Right: Section through Bosigran 3 bank, showing four sampled profiles and six osl dates. The granite bank at the core was dug into older Bronze Age soils and natural rab after c 1320bc; the boundary was enlarged from c ad590, suggesting between these dates land use continued in much the same way

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