Campbeltown Courier

Latest chairs improve kidney dialysis


IN AUGUST 2015 life changed for Kintyre dialysis patients with the installati­on of dialysis machines at Campbeltow­n hospital, saving a thrice weekly journey to the Vale of Leven.

Thanks to The Kintyre Kidney Dialysis Campaign, patients will now be accommodat­ed on the latest electrical­ly-controlled chairs.

The ultra-modern equipment has just been installed at a cost of £6,500, which was raised from events and donations.

Senior charge nurse Catriona Watt said: ‘The new chairs are much easier to use and clean, and adjust precisely. Patients are more comfortabl­e during the four-hour dialysis session.’

Campaign chairman Ronnie McNally said: ‘This is all thanks to the community, without their help we could not have provided the chairs.

‘Following the installati­on of the dialysis machine we said we would continue to support the unit as much as possible.’

 ??  ?? Campaign members John Foster, Eileen and Ronnie McNally and Elizabeth McMillan presented both chairs to staff nurse Nicole Napier, senior staff nurse Morven Girvan and senior charge nurse Catriona Watt.
Campaign members John Foster, Eileen and Ronnie McNally and Elizabeth McMillan presented both chairs to staff nurse Nicole Napier, senior staff nurse Morven Girvan and senior charge nurse Catriona Watt.

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