
Sinclair C5

Sir Clive Sinclair’s single-seat electric-powered bathtub-onwheels caused much excitement but flopped spectacula­rly. It was too slow and too exposed to bad weather and to other vehicles. Driving one could be a terrifying experience.

Smart car

The first Smart car recognised a truth that eluded even the great Alec Issigonis, designer of the original Mini – namely that small cars are typically habited by only one or two people. So why bother with a back seat? Bigger than the Ami, and much faster.

The bicycle

One of the few inventions without a downside, the bicycle remains the ideal form of urban transport. It was once the most popular of city transport, from Cambridge to Chennai.

As a uence grew, so did our fondness for sweat-free petrol power.

Electric scooters

This may soon be the fastestgro­wing form of urban transport. Simple, brisk, inexpensiv­e and fun, e-scooters are taking o in Europe and America, never mind the questions about their legality (as I write, they’re legal in the UK if rented but not if owned).

Electric bikes They’re booming and they’re here to stay. Most of the fun of a bike but with less e ort, they’re perfect for those who find pedalling a little too hard or have longer commutes. The most irrefutabl­y logical of all forms of personal transport.


The preferred urban transport in much of India, and still the coolest form of mobility in Italian cities, the scooter makes sense: it’s cheap, fast and practical. I still miss my old Vespa. The fourstroke engine is now giving way to clean and quiet e-power.

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