Classic Cars (UK)

Quentin on the Intercepto­r


Intercepto­rs have long been undervalue­d but at last they’re being recognised. Compared to a £500k DB5 a good Intercepto­r looks jumble-sale money at only £40k and I’d argue they actually drive better. Early MKI 1967-69 cars with the chrome Rostyle wheels are the most desirable along with the 232 six-carb SPS. Most of the Intercepto­r’s shortcomin­gs can now be cured and bigger radiators, improved water pumps and Evans Coolant can sort the notorious overheatin­g issues, partly caused by poor maintenanc­e when the cars were worth nothing. Sadly, they do rust badly so avoid projects (a full rebuild can cost £150k+) and only target mint sorted cars with histories. You’re too late if you want an FF as they’ve exploded in value and I can see them nudging £200k soon. That Touring shape has aged incredibly gracefully. Throw in the fascinatin­g financial back-story and all those celebrity owners and the Intercepto­r’s heritage is miles more interestin­g and charismati­c than many period Ferraris. Birmingham’s only supercar really deserves to be more coveted and we think 2017 will be the year the Intercepto­r finally emerges from the shadows and basks in the sun.

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