Classic Dirtbike



The dealer decal on the rear fender pronounced the OSSA was originally supplied by Fair view cycle ltd of Calgary, Alberta in Canada but who were they and what's their story? well ,a bit of detective work put me in touch with Douglas mac rae, president of Black foot motor sports also in Calgary. says douglas :" it was a small shop on Fair view drive, sw, herein Calgary. the owner' s name was lshmal Dagwood, an owner operator and at the time that I visited his shop, he was a Suzuki dealer with some specialty brands such as OSSAT. he store would have been around inthe Seventies and was eventually closed due to a fire which consumed the premises. Ithink the last year of operation would have been late Seventies or early Eighties. lshmal was a motorcycle enthusiast and loved bikes, much the same as me:'

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