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Add or remove text formatting with one click


Word offers useful options to add or remove text formatting with one click. This is very handy when you copy and paste text from another document or a website and it retains its original formatting.

First, it’s a good idea to set your default Word font format. To do that, click the small down arrow in the Font section, choose the font type, style and size you want to use as your default, then click Set As Default.

To remove original formatting from text you paste into Word, simply highlight it, then click the Clear All Formatting icon (see screenshot above). This text will now appear in the default font format you set.

Similarly, you may have formatted text (applying bold fonts, italics, colours, highlights, etc) and want to apply this to other text. To do this quickly, highlight the formatted text, click the Format Painter icon, then highlight the text you want to re-format.

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