Country Life

‘Their look, feel and smell can spark memories far more effectivel­y than any photograph’

- Fritz von der Schulenber­g/the Interior Archive/john Minshaw

Welcome to COUNTRY LIFE’S guide to buying pieces that will give pleasure to future generation­s. Heirlooms come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, yet, whatever their value, they have a capacity to encapsulat­e personal histories. A piece of furniture inherited from a parent is more than just a physical object; its look, feel and smell can spark childhood memories far more effectivel­y than any photograph. And in a world in which so much is mass manufactur­ed, heirlooms have the advantage of being rare, if not unique. The fact that they have survived so long is a testament to the craftsmans­hip and materials required to make them. The following pages also celebrate offbeat heirlooms, many of which have little value to anyone but their owners, to whom they are priceless, with expert advice from Christie’s specialist­s

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